Tuesday 11 May 2010

Same shits, different days~

Wake up in the morning, go to school, learn some shits work some sheets, chat with buddies, cheat with freakies, update thingies, have some funs, skip classes, game some games and joke some jokes, then go dream some dreams, sounds fun huh? it sounds sucks for me. Have the same fun everyday? screw. Through the same shits everyday? screw, but hey someday somehow, you're gonna wish that "same things". Learn to live, earn the living.
you know what i was hearing while i made this post? Forever Young by Jay-Z and Mr. Hudson, cause you're not gonna live young forever guys~
Maybe you're not gonna haver these Porsches or Malibu's houses or become the cover of Forbes Magz, but you can do another fun things as long as you're a happy teens.
Don't suck your life~

Tuesday 4 May 2010

Haters and Fakers~

We all know that haters and fakers are part of virtual world's residents. Still, many people don't get it why there's so many unliveable people who create this fake accounts or haters accounts. so I've been wondering.. If i am not who i am, i'm not famous, i'm not good looking, not rich, doesn't have many friends, which i'm not fyi, it is possible to me to make fake account from this famous, good looking and rich people or make an abusive account to insult people to get attention and a lil bit famous, and what's the reason? awh too simple, i don't have a shit to get attentions from people and i don't know a shit to be like those people! pathetic, isn't it?
for you guys who get faked and hated, be happy! it means that you have something that those fakers and haters don't have!
for you guys who's faking and hating someone right now.. too bad.. i think you should search things to do or look for your talents and ability (not faking of course) to get noticed!
and 4 words: "get a fucking life"